What I Ate Today – 8/15/12

I enjoyed my egg so much last night that I had one again this morning for breakfast (with cream, onions, hot dogs, and red bell pepper).

My daughter had been hoping to have waffles with blueberries and whipped cream for breakfast (though she ate the eggs without complaint), and we no longer had enough eggs to make waffles for lunch, so I decided to make blueberry-lemon scones.  After popping them in the oven, I realized that I’d forgotten to add the blueberries! So I pulled them out and sprinkled the blueberries on top.  Turned out fine.  These were a little easier to make than waffles, though I think I prefer the waffles.  My daughter insisted suggested that I make some whipped cream, so I made some with lemon extract.  

As a snack, I had some mixed nuts.  I didn’t portion them out first, which I think is a mistake, but I didn’t go too crazy with them (I don’t think…but that’s the whole reason to measure first!).

For dinner, I had intended to make chicken thighs, but I bought some chicken breasts that were marked down because they “expired” the next day.  So I made those instead.  I have trouble with chicken breasts.  If I cook it long enough to feel that it’s done, it’s usually too dry.  I don’t remember having this problem years ago, but lately I can’t seem to do a good job cooking chicken.

Anyway, I diced it up in big chunks, and for ease of preparation and cleanup, I cooked them in the deep fryer.  The manual recommended 2 to 3 minutes; I cooked them for 2:45.  Wasn’t as juicy and tender as I’d hoped.  So they needed sauce.  I’ve discovered that alfredo sauce is very quick and easy to make, so that’s what I had.

It was a very good, textbook day of low-carbing, but the next morning I had gained two-tenths of a pound.  Nothing to be concerned about, I’m sure.  This put me at exactly eight pounds lost for my first week of low-carbing.

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