Category Archives: Journal
What I Ate Today – 8/19/12
My daughter had an overnight guest last night, and I hate cooking for strangers, so I was delighted that my husband made breakfast. He scrambled some eggs with pork sausage. My daughter and I had them on a plate (my … Continue reading
What I Ate Today – 8/18/12
My husband and I had errands to run this morning, so I mixed up a chocolate protein shake with whey, cream, cocoa powder, and almond butter. Very filling! Since we were on the run, and I was full, anyway, I … Continue reading
What I Ate Today – 8/17/12
For breakfast today I had, what else, low-carb waffles topped with blueberries and whipped cream. For lunch I had a little bit of leftover swiss-bacon-mushroom chicken soup from the other night. I also had some mixed nuts. For dinner, I … Continue reading
Tickled Purple
I know I don’t have to be in detectable ketosis to prove that my low-carb diet is working. And I know that it’s not a competition to see how dark you can get your ketone test strip (nor is there … Continue reading